Summary Natasha Featherstone 10/15/1958

Patient Summary

MRPDr. Heart
Admit DateToday
Primary DiagnosisStage 2A Ovarian Cancer

Patient History: Approximately 6 months ago Natasha reported experiencing irregular vaginal bleeding, fatigue, changes in digestion and an increased urgency to urinate. Upon an internal pelvic exam, a mass was felt around her right ovary and her uterus was enlarged. An ultrasound located a large solid tumour (approx. 8cm in diameter) which had grown into the fallopian tube and the uterus thus is regarded as a stage 2A. We discussed treatment options and she has confirmed her decision to proceed with a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. She is aware of the potential risks and complications.
Implanted Devicenone
Blood ConsentYesBlood Type:O+
AggressionHistory of Violence: n/aPhysically Aggresive:
BehaviourVerbally Aggresive:Violence Prevention Toolkit:
SURGERY Total Hysterectomy and Bilateral Salpingo-oopherectomy – operative report in Physician Reports
DRAINFoley catheter
WOUNDAbdominal incision
IsolationCode Status:
Substance UseunknownLast Use:
Alcohol UseunknownLast Use:
Tabacco Dependence:noLast Use:
ALLERGIES Reaction type:Severity:
Reaction type:Severity:
Reaction type:Severity:
DIETAs per Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op order set

Patient Monitoring

DIETAs per Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Post-Op Order Set
V S DAY see recordsTemp (F)PulseResp RateBPO2
I & O See records
FOLEY DayNightDC date:
TUBES Type:Type:
IV Lines:RL @ 75 cc/hrPain:see PCA ProtocolPain Level:See PCA protocol
Pending Tests & Diagnostics:Post-op days 1: CBC
Blood Glucose (Time/ Reading)0500 in PAR- 5.2

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