Summary Adir Azibo 02/02/1968

Patient Summary

MRPDr F. Racture
Admit DateYesterday
Primary DiagnosisFever NYD
SECONDARY DIAGNOSESHigh blood pressure
Obstructive sleep apnea (uses BiPAP at night)
GERD (gastro esophogral reflux disease = heartburn)
Diabetes type 2 – diagnosed 20 years ago – managed with metformin, diet, and exercise. 
BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy – 5 months)
Implanted Device
Blood ConsentBlood Type:
AggressionHistory of Violence:Physically Aggresive:
BehaviourVerbally Aggresive:Violence Prevention Toolkit:
SURGERY Open Reduction and Repair of left tibia 8 days ago. Discharged with exposed pin site care.
WOUNDHalf-slab cast and tensor on his left lower leg with exposed pins
IsolationCode Status:Link to MOST
Substance UseLast Use:
Alcohol UseLast Use:
Tabacco Dependence:Last Use:
Reaction type:unknownSeverity:unknown
Reaction type:Severity:
Reaction type:Severity:
DIETDiabetic Diet as tolerated

Patient Monitoring

DIETDiabetic Diet as tolerated
V S DAY Yesterday 2100Temp (F) 38.0Pulse 94 bpmResp Rate 18BP 160/84O2 94% RA
I & O 
FOLEY DayNightDC date:
TUBES Type:Type:
IV Lines:NS@75 cc/hrPain:Pain Level:
Pending Tests & Diagnostics:Daily CBC, lytes, Troponin, Mg, Phos, glucose, A1C  x 4 days
Cultures: Urine DONE,, Sputum, Blood cultures x 3 DONE, wound / pin sites DONE
Blood Glucose (Time/ Reading)

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