Prescriber Orders Natasha Featherstone 10/15/1958


Date/TimeOrder Category OrderSignature
Today/0100Post-OpUse Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Post Op Order SetDH
Today/0100MedicationsUse VTE prophylaxis order setDH
Today/0100MedicationUse anesthesia pain management order setDH
Today/0400DietEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op Order Set
• Sugar-free chewing gum 30 min TID and PRN
• 1 can of nutritional supplement BID every day
• Day of Surgery: Full Fluids to DAT (General or Diabetic Diet)
Today/0400ActivityEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op Order Set
• Day of Surgery: walk from stretcher to bed; sit at bedside or in chair; time out of bed 10-15 minutes
• Post-op day 1: chair for all meals; 1 lap or more of ward, 2-3 times/day; time out of bed 1-3 hours
• Post-op day 2 and on: chair for all meals; 2-3 laps, 3 times/day or more; time out of bed 6 hours
• incentive spirometry 01 H while awake
• Physiotherapy referral (consider for patients with compromised pulmonary function and I or with limited mobility)
Today/0400Urinary CatheterEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op Order Set
Post-op day 1: remove indwelling catheter in the morning
Today/0400Vital Signs/MonitoringEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op Order Set
In PAR: give oxygen at 10 L/min via mask x 1 hour
• Follow vital signs protocol for Epidural or PCA, then vital signs TID when protocol discontinued.
• Without epidural or PCA vital signs Q4H x 24 hours then TID
• Monitor urine output Q4H over first night post-op, then Q shift if urine output greater than 100 ml/ 4 hr
• If urine output less than 100 ml over 4 consecutive hours on Day of Surgery, give:
􀀔 Ringer’s Lactate 250 ml IV x 1, and run over 30 minutes
􀀔 If urine output does not improve in the next hour (greater than 20 ml/hr), call surgeon and order CBC, Lyles 4 and creatinine STAT
Today/0400DiagnosticsEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op Order Set
•Post op days 1: CBC
Today/0400Intravenous FluidsEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op Order Set
•Ringers Lactate @ 75 ml/hr
•Post-op day 1 and on: saline lock IV if drinking well (drinking 1,200-1,500 ml/ 24 hours)
Today/0400Additional Orders•May shower Post-op Day 2
•Remove ICD (SCD) morning of post=op Day 1
Today/0400MedicationsEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Post-Op Order Set
•VTE Preprinted orders (see below)
•Ondansetron 4 mg PO / IV Q6H x 24 hours, then Q6H PRN – nausea
•Metoclopramide 10 mg PO/IV Q8H x 24 hours, then QSH PRN • nausea (Physician to adjust dose if eGFR less than 60)
•DimenhyDRINATE 25 to 50 mg PO/IV Q4H PRN • nausea
•Magnesium hydroxide liquid 30 ml PO BID laxative to start Post-op day 2 (hold if diarrhea)
Today/0400Medications- Analgesia•Follow Anesthesia Pain Management Orders (Epidural/PCA orders)
•Use Pain Management Flow Sheet and Monitoring Protocol
•Acetaminophen 1,000 mg PO Q6H x 72 hours, then Q6H PRN – pain
•Diclofenac 50 mg PO/PR Q12H x 48 hours, then Q12H PRN – pain
Today/0400Anesthesia Pain Management Orderssee below
Today/0400VTE Prophylaxis Order and VTE Risk Assessment Recommendations see below

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